Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Resumé?? What's the significant of this title in her poem?

Resumé, Dorothy Parker (1893-1967)

Women In Poetry

        Women in poetry? Some English Literature's student prefer to choose a poet that their likes most. However, not in my cases. I personally despise most of women literature work of art due to their feminism approach. Whereas men in their work are beast or bad persona. They pretty much condemned men like we are some kind of disease or something. I do get that women in their previous eras being oppressed by men. However, it is like an old issues. These days, men and women are being treated equally and respect each other despite the gender. Am I right? Just now, as I hit Enter button for Google search, I am intrigued by one of women poet who wrote Resume.
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

                                                                By : Dorothy Parker

         Did you know what this poem is all about?? As you read again and again, you can sense the painful memories as she wrote it. All the action that being described in this poem is all consists some kind of suicide behavior. Why wrote such hurtful and painful meanings of poem that can be considered as "suicide" notes? Me personally when I read any literature works whether it is a poem, drama, short story, novel or others, I tend to look at the author, poet, playwright, writer biography or their background. As I go through deeper and further, despite having her finger on the literary and social pulse of the 20th century, Dorothy Parker had a pretty tragic personal life. Actually, her marriages (all three) failed. Then she attempted suicide several times which is, rather unfortunately, probably helped to inform the subject matter of "Resume."

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