Turtle Soup, Ideas For Writing
" Sometimes you're the life, sometimes the sacrifices "
When we talk about the immigrant context or point of view, it is really about maintaining your true self, belief, culture, tradition and others. Sometimes in life it is all about making the decision even though not all will take it optimistically. People migrated to get better life or job. Some people just want to ran away from memories or maybe just want to start a new life.
I was intrigued with Turtle Soup's poem by Marilyn Chin due to her experienced as immigrate Chinese girl. In the poem, she wrote " nothing left but the shell" that really making the statement whether you losing your identity due to new surroundings. In other words, assimilating with the rest and leave the culture, tradition or maybe belief to certain things. For me, the immigrant family supposed to be strong when it comes to relationship between family members. I would say that because when you not at you own hometown or country, there is no one to share or care about you than family.
Yes it is true that you will get more opportunity in jobs or maybe prosperity in making money but on the other hand you lose your tradition in order to survive in such new society that maybe have different culture or tradition and against with what you stand for before. Relating back to the quote, you are life because your culture and personal beliefs have made you the person you are today. To scrape that part of oneself off is hard, even impossible. However, there are some ways in oneself that could either make things complicated or have failed to work out in life and therefore that part should be discarded in order to make way for better possibilities.
Losing identity or culture may due to your own self. Maybe you are embarrassed or start questioning something tradition in your family when you realize you so different to the norm of the new society you live in. This always happen maybe because we are not fully embrace and feel comfortable even though it is in your blood. That's why, a lot of people who are migrated outside from their country usually assimilate with the new places and that's for me the sacrifices that they need to accept and in order to make a living.
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